I used to ferment sauerkraut in 1 liter mason jars, but that was very labor-intensive and yielded mixed results at best. Plus, once I was done fermenting the sauerkraut, I had to can it if I wasn't going to use it in the next week or so. But this ceramic pot is great. It has two large weights I can use to keep the sauerkraut down in the salty brine. Once it gets the level of tangy bite that I like, I can remove some to eat raw or cook, then add a new head of shredded cabbage to the bottom of the pot and stack the ready-to-eat cabbage on top. Plus, I can save a cup or two of each brine to kick start the next batch of sauerkraut, just like a sourdough starter.

Plus, I can ferment anything in this. Pickled cucumbers, kimchi, carrots, mushrooms,turnips, etc. Or I can do a mix of produce. The instructional booklet came with an interesting recipe of shredded red cabbbage, carrots, parsnips, apples, and caraway seeds.

Clearly, this is something every home should have.
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