But here was my chance at redemption! I had a beautiful, golden wheel of raw milk Emmental, which I knew had been heated to a much more moderate temperature. As I pushed the knife

And viola! Holes! My cheese has holes! If anything symbolizes Swiss cheese, it's the holes! While not the walnut-sized holes you'd find in the commercial product (although I've grown suspicious that they add powdered lactose to those cheeses, to give the cultures more milk sugars to eat, thus larger holes), my cheese was clearly of holey lineage.
Flavorwise, it had the typical tang of a Swiss, but had the full, well-rounded flavor of a raw milk cheese that I hoped for. Although a bit dryer than I would like, it was smoother than my first pasteurized version. It also melted much better than any of my previous pasteurized cheeses. All in all, a big step up. I'd like to try this in a slightly larger wheel, as I think that would give me more delicious insides and less rind.
That looks too yummy and delicious!!
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