As far as fresh mushrooms, these porcini were clocking in at $34.99/lb. I got there late Sunday night and all that was left was a few broken stems and one giant, fatty, hog-like porcini. Italian for "piglet" (like porcine), he had a stout little body that ballooned out from a squat cap. At $7, he cost about as much as a strip steak from the butcher's, but I couldn't turn down this rare opportunity. Racing him home, I decided to keep things simple.
Nutty, savory, earthy, and delicious, this delicious porcini was gone far too soon. Carla and I are thinking of placing a wholesale order through D'artagnan for 3 lbs (their set box size) of porcini's while the North American season is still in full swing. Cheaper than buying them at the market, we'd be able to make a gluttonous weekend of it! Granted, three pounds is a good amount of mushrooms to go through, but we'd find a way. Porcini quiche, porcini salad with bitter greens, porcini-stuffed carpet-bagger steak, porcini souffle, porcini over polenta...mmm
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