Kefir does take longer to make (24-36 hours, or more), and to me it has a bit more tartness to it. It's also much thinner than yogurt, like those stylish, drinkable yogurts. It's also slightly carbonated, which is a side-effect of the Kefir grains fermenting the lactose into lactic acid. Like yogurt or raw sauerkraut, it's also chock full of beneficial baterial and whatnot. Kefir hails from the Caucasus Mountain Range, where Europe turns to Asia, geographically.
You can buy Kefir in the health food dept of many stores, but I would recommend tracking down some grains if you find you like it. The grains cost about $7, but they are a living, endless reproducing organism, so the more Kefir you make, the more grains you'll have. Don't buy Kefir starter or freeze-dried Kefir, or other items like that. They're only good for one batch and cost about the same as the living grains. We bought them from a local co-op, who ordered them along with their weekly raw milk delivery. The first batch we made was all raw milk, which resulted suuuper strong and tart Kefir. Nowadays we just use the less costly 2%, mix it with the grains in a mason jar, cover it with a cloth, and then stash it in a dark cupboard for a day. Tart, tangy, and terrific!
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